
집짓는 젊은이 하자센터 제주 済州島 Gasiri, Jeju Island, South Korea

March 22-27, helped the Haja Center with the construction of a guesthouse on Jeju Island, South Korea.  The Haja Center is an alternative education center in Seoul lead by Dr. Haejoang CHO of Yonsei University.  The guesthouse, named the Mikan House, involves the renovation of an old stone wall mikan warehouse in the Gasiri region of Jeju Island, South Korea.  Dr. Seong Wook Yang, an architect and builder who is a graduate of Tokyo University, is leading the project.  Dr. Yang runs an eco-healing consortium, an ecovillage of sorts, on an island near Inchon involving eco-architecture, organic farming, natural healing and chiropractic.


Building Team and Dr. Yang on far right

Building team member Mr. Koo. クさん、色々ありがとうございました。감사합니다

Earth used to plaster interior 室内に塗った土

Plastering interior 壁塗り

Base Coat 下塗

March 24 and 25 there was a small festival to celebrate the construction. Student musicians from the Haja Center.
3月24日と25日にゲストハウスで小さい祭りを行われました。 ハジャセンターの学生です。

I was asked to give a presentation on straw bale and earthen architecture.  Mr. Yuik Kim, an intern at Fujimura-san's Atelier Non-Electric translated for me.  Thank you Yuik!

Before and after the festival we stayed with Yuik's aunt and uncle.

Yuik's aunt is a sculptor and his uncle is a photographer.  Very artistic family.

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