
京都府美山町 NPO法人里山舎 Satoyamasha, Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture

Currently working for Satoyamasha in Miyama, Kyoto Prefecture.
Satoyamasha is an umbrella organization with enterprises in traditional Japanese timber frame construction, wood burning stoves, and micro-hydro electrical generation. Satoyamasha also runs a cafe and guest house, showcasing our work.

Photos from the Workshop:

Wood burning stoves at Satoyamasha's Cafe and Guesthouse:

Cafe Pizza Oven ピザ窯

Various Plaster Finishes 様々な左官仕上げ
Micro-hydro electrical generation 小水力発電

Miyama is also famous for its thatch roofs:


Nishijin Weaving 西陣織

Nishijin weaving was created in Kyoto over 1200 years ago by using many different types of colored yarns and weaving them together into decorative designs. These specialized procedures are tedious, but necessary to obtain the spectacular design needed to ensure the quality of Nishijin weaving.
 Silk Worm Life Cycle
 Finish pattern reflects off the mirror