Finished the interior plaster of the straw bale walls of Zenryoji Temple's Monshido Enshirnment Hall.
This is the largest straw bale building or plastering job I've done, and I needed good advice and a great team to get it done.
Though one mistake: There was some efflorescence on earthen-lime finish plaster of the the display bench. From what I gather, it was too cold and done too late in the day without enough time to dry before temperatures dropped in the evening. The other bench plastered earlier in the day had no problems. This display will have to be replastered.
Further details can be found at the link below.
福島県にて土蔵 Earthen Storehouses in Fukushima Prefecture
On several occasions I've traveled by car from Fukushima City or Koriyama to Itatemura. Along the way are numerous traditional earthen plastered homes and storehouses. On my trip to and from Itatemura today, I stopped to take photographs of two.
I spoke with the wife of the owner. She said that the earthen storehouse was there when she married into the family 40 years ago. I think we can assume that it was built prior to world war II.
On several occasions I've traveled by car from Fukushima City or Koriyama to Itatemura. Along the way are numerous traditional earthen plastered homes and storehouses. On my trip to and from Itatemura today, I stopped to take photographs of two.
川俣町付近 Near Kawamatacho
飯野町付近 Near Inomachi.
奥さんと話して、40年前にお嫁した時にすでに漆喰で仕上げていない土蔵がありました。きっと戦前に建てられました。I spoke with the wife of the owner. She said that the earthen storehouse was there when she married into the family 40 years ago. I think we can assume that it was built prior to world war II.
福島県飯舘村までいな家 Madei Home in Itate Village, Fukushima Prefecture
On September 27 traveled to Itate Village to collect data from a model ecological home built in 2009-2010 with a grant from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. A detached atelier features a straw bale wall I helped build in February, 2010. We intended to finish the wall in 2011, but due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, Itate Village is now an evacuation zone. Although it is located just outside of the 20km mandatory evacuation radius, part of the village is a hotspot for radiation.
2.07microsieverts/hour outside of the atelier (natural background radiation is 0.03-0.08microsieverts/hour)
The relative humidity inside the straw bale wall is very, very low year-round due to the ventilated rain screen exterior siding.
レトロメテロ・ゲストハウス RETROMETRO Guesthouse
February 19 and 23 helped Hiro-kun and Nabe-san with the renovation of RETROMETRO, a guesthouse in Asakusa.
February 19 and 23 helped Hiro-kun and Nabe-san with the renovation of RETROMETRO, a guesthouse in Asakusa.
Lightweight cement plaster over metal lath creating wave-like dept with a straw bale bench.
土セメント仕上げ Soil-cement finish
Please see the links below for further details and photos. 更なる詳細は下です。レトロメトロゲストハウス
横浜市にて旧小岩井家 Koiwai-ke in Yokohama
September 22 visited Koiwai-ke, a Japanese folk home surviving from the late Edo period (1847).
September 22 visited Koiwai-ke, a Japanese folk home surviving from the late Edo period (1847).
母屋 Main House
立派な梁 Post and Beam Structure
藁縄作り機械 Machine for making straw rope
On February 13, three younger students in Itonaga-sensei's research studio visited Harappa Cafe in Yufuin, Oita Prefecture. In February of 2010 I lead the construction of Harappa Cafe's straw bale interior. According to the students, the interior was still in excellent condition, which is a testament to the Keisodo plaster used.
On February 13, three younger students in Itonaga-sensei's research studio visited Harappa Cafe in Yufuin, Oita Prefecture. In February of 2010 I lead the construction of Harappa Cafe's straw bale interior. According to the students, the interior was still in excellent condition, which is a testament to the Keisodo plaster used.