福島県飯舘村までいな家 Madei Home in Itate Village, Fukushima Prefecture
On September 27 traveled to Itate Village to collect data from a model ecological home built in 2009-2010 with a grant from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. A detached atelier features a straw bale wall I helped build in February, 2010. We intended to finish the wall in 2011, but due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, Itate Village is now an evacuation zone. Although it is located just outside of the 20km mandatory evacuation radius, part of the village is a hotspot for radiation.
2.07microsieverts/hour outside of the atelier (natural background radiation is 0.03-0.08microsieverts/hour)
The relative humidity inside the straw bale wall is very, very low year-round due to the ventilated rain screen exterior siding.
I had no idea that anyone was building strawbale houses here in Japan! I have only seen two farmers who even have baling machines.
ReplyDeleteI would love to build one of these here in Ibaraki.
Let's do it!
ReplyDeleteI was planning on building a small earthbag outbuilding next to my house. It would be a "himitsukichi" for my two sons. But I think that strawbale would be better- faster.
ReplyDeleteMy latest plan has the interior dimensions 250cm x 700cm x 200cm high.
Eric, If you want any help, please let me know.