

2011유네스코 TerrAsia 2011 土建築シンポジウム

October 10-15, participated in TerrAsia 2011, an earthen architecture conference in South Korea sponsored by UNESCO, CRAterra and Mokopo National University. The theme of the conference was Asia’s earthen architectural heritage and current innovations.
10月10-15日にユネスコやCRAterra、韓国木浦国立大学が主催したTerrAsia 2011という土建築シンポジウムに参加しました。CRAterraはフランスにある土建築研究所です。シンポジウムのテーマはアジアの伝統土建築と今後の可能性です。

October 10-13, the conference took place in Damyang Changpyeong, a member of the international Slow City movement. 
 Damyang Changpyeong is famous for its stone walls.

Earthen Building in Damyang Changpyeon

Bamboo-Earth Building: Bamboo used as permanent forms for Cob Building

October 10: The first evening, we enjoyed a reenactment of a traditional ceremony that would take place when beginning to build a new home.

October 11: The opening ceremony took place on October 11 at Mokpo National University. Dr. Heyzoo Hwang of Mokpo National University’s Department of Architecture directs research in earthen architecture. Many of the department’s professors and graduate students have studied at CRAterra, an earth building research center in France.

Tour lead by Dr. Soon Wung Kim. 金スンウン先生に案内されました。

Earth-Egg Carton Building: Paper egg cartons are used to prevent vertical cracking and increase the pace of cob construction

Paper Egg Carton

Finished Earthen Egg Carton Wall

October 12: Presentations from researchers from around the world.
October 13: Toured the traditional earthen architecture of Damyang Changpyeong Slow City and participated in a flower and herb extract workshop. In the afternoon, traveled to Jipyeongseon secondary School, a Won Buddhism boarding school that features earthen architecture.

Making Flower and Herb Extracts 花とハーブエキス作り
Fermenting Flower and Herb Extracts 保存された花とハーブエキス

October 13-15, the conference took place at Jipyeongseon School.   The architecture of Jipyeongseon School features compressed, stabilized and unfired earthen bricks.
Women's Dormitory 女子寮

Men's Dormitory 男子寮

Auditorium featuring Earthen Plaster 土壁を利用した講堂

But the best part of these conferences and workshops are meeting new people and making new connections. しかし最も重要なのは新しい出会いとつながりです。

Professor Yoon Jeong-Bae is industrializing traditional Korean homes (Hanoak) through 3D computer modeling

Seokgyoon Kim and his wife design and build structures feature natural materials and building methods such as straw bale and earthen plasters.


The Use of Straw in South Korea 韓国での藁の利用

Rice Cultivation 稲作

Even in very rural areas of South Korea, Bales are Produced after harvest.  There seems to be tremendous potential for straw bale building in South Korea.

Traditionally in Korea, farmers used straw as a roofing material.  But unlike Japan, even thatch roofs are plastered with earth before thatching.  Whereas in Japan thatch is tied directly to the roof structure using long needles, in many areas of South Korea the thatching is secured from above using a network of straw rope.
Simple Barn: Straw rope holding down thatching
Rafters support horizontal bamboo which functions as the base for earthen plaster.  Straw rope tied to rafters

Pavilion パビリオン


South Korean Adobe Yard 韓国日干し煉瓦製造場

On October 9th, visited an Adobe Yard with Professor Lim.  10月9日に日干し煉瓦製造場を見学しました。


タンポポコミュニティ Dandelion Community 민들레학교입니다

10月8日にサンチョン・カルチョン村にある韓国のセンター・フォー・アプロプリエト・テクノロジー(適切技術センター)と「タンポポコミュニティ」という意図的なコミュニティを見学しました。イ・ドングンさんは東ロンドン工科大学で修士を終了し、イギリスのCAT(センター・フォー・アルタナティブ・テクノロジー)で勉強しました。イ・ドングンさんは知恵が豊富なのにとても謙虚です。感動しました。On October 8, we visited the Dandelion Community in Kalcheong Village, Sancheong County. The Dandelion Community includes an appropriate technology center, intentional community and secondary school. Mr. Dongkeun Lee, who completed a masters’ degree at the University of East London and also studied at the Center for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Wales, gave us a tour of the community. In addition to countless experiments in alternative technology, Mr. Lee helps run a middle school, high school and various community businesses.  Similar to the Korea Permaculture Institute, the Dandelion Community aims to transform the surrounding region as well.
コミュニティの模型 Model of the community

新築 New construction

太陽光温水器 Solar hot water heater

ソーラー・クッカー Two solar cookers with two different types of handmade solar azimuth trackers

手作り太陽光追尾装置 Handmade solar azimuth tracker

自転車発電機と李先生 Bicycle generator and Mr. Lee

手作り発電機 Handmade generator

設置する練習用の太陽光発電パネル Solar panels used for practice installations 


Korea Permaculture Institute 韓国パーマカルチャーセンター

October 7-9, visited the Korea Permaculture Institute in Andeok (전북 완주군 구이면 안덕리) run by Dr. Kyeongsoo Lim of E-Jang.  The permaculture institute is located adjacent to a Korean sauna, restaurant and herbal medicine clinic.  10月7-9日にリム先生が運営している韓国パーマカルチャーセンターを訪ねました。パーマカルチャーセンターのすぐ近くにサウナやレストラン、漢方のクリニックがあります。
Guest Houses ゲストハウス

韓国でのストローベイル建築の普及活動 Straw Bale Building in South Korea

10月7日午後にジナン郡にあるストローベイルハウスを4件見学しました。ホン・ソンチョンさんとイ・オンヘイさんというストローベイル・ビルダーに会いました。イ・オンヘイさんはオーストラリアでストローベイル建築を勉強して、ホン・ソンチョンさんと一緒にホン・ソンチョンさんの住宅を建てました。ホン・ソンチョンさんの住宅が韓国の最初のストローベイルハウスです。On October 7, we visted several straw bale buildings in Jinan Country being built by Mr. Hong Soon-cheon and I Oong-hei. Oong-hei studied straw bale building in Australia and together with Soon-cheon, they built Soon-cheon's home, the first straw bale home in South Korea. 
ホン・ソンチョンさんの本職が編集者で、ストローベイル建築に関する素晴らしい本を書きました。現在、ホン氏はストローベイル建築の設計と施工を両方行っています。Soon-cheon previously worked as a writer and editor and wrote an excellent book on straw bale building in Korean. 
構造が面白くてダブル・ツーバイフォーフレームの間にベイルを積んで、圧縮してからどぶちでベイルを固定します。Very interesting and educational to see their techniques. There were four straw bale buildings at different stages of constructions so we could see much of the process. Bales are stacked in a double 2x4 frame, compressed and secured by 1x1’s spanning the interior and exterior frame.
草刈機で壁面の内側と外側を揃いてから、割竹を横に張ります。The exterior and interior surface of the bale wall is trimmed with a brush cutter, which creates a flat wall and produces plenty of straw fibers for the plaster mix.
きれいな壁面ができます。Bamboo lath are attached horizontally across the interior and exterior. 
下塗は土のみで、中塗は粘土と砂、藁スサと一割消石灰ですが、消石灰は上塗に入ってないです。A base/scratch coat of clay is applied and followed with a fill/brown coat of clay, sand, straw fibers, and 10% lime.
最終的に埃が落ちないようにお米から作られたのりをはけで塗ります。The final coat does not contain lime and is treated with a rice glue finish to prevent dusting.