

2011유네스코 TerrAsia 2011 土建築シンポジウム

October 10-15, participated in TerrAsia 2011, an earthen architecture conference in South Korea sponsored by UNESCO, CRAterra and Mokopo National University. The theme of the conference was Asia’s earthen architectural heritage and current innovations.
10月10-15日にユネスコやCRAterra、韓国木浦国立大学が主催したTerrAsia 2011という土建築シンポジウムに参加しました。CRAterraはフランスにある土建築研究所です。シンポジウムのテーマはアジアの伝統土建築と今後の可能性です。

October 10-13, the conference took place in Damyang Changpyeong, a member of the international Slow City movement. 
 Damyang Changpyeong is famous for its stone walls.

Earthen Building in Damyang Changpyeon

Bamboo-Earth Building: Bamboo used as permanent forms for Cob Building

October 10: The first evening, we enjoyed a reenactment of a traditional ceremony that would take place when beginning to build a new home.

October 11: The opening ceremony took place on October 11 at Mokpo National University. Dr. Heyzoo Hwang of Mokpo National University’s Department of Architecture directs research in earthen architecture. Many of the department’s professors and graduate students have studied at CRAterra, an earth building research center in France.

Tour lead by Dr. Soon Wung Kim. 金スンウン先生に案内されました。

Earth-Egg Carton Building: Paper egg cartons are used to prevent vertical cracking and increase the pace of cob construction

Paper Egg Carton

Finished Earthen Egg Carton Wall

October 12: Presentations from researchers from around the world.
October 13: Toured the traditional earthen architecture of Damyang Changpyeong Slow City and participated in a flower and herb extract workshop. In the afternoon, traveled to Jipyeongseon secondary School, a Won Buddhism boarding school that features earthen architecture.

Making Flower and Herb Extracts 花とハーブエキス作り
Fermenting Flower and Herb Extracts 保存された花とハーブエキス

October 13-15, the conference took place at Jipyeongseon School.   The architecture of Jipyeongseon School features compressed, stabilized and unfired earthen bricks.
Women's Dormitory 女子寮

Men's Dormitory 男子寮

Auditorium featuring Earthen Plaster 土壁を利用した講堂

But the best part of these conferences and workshops are meeting new people and making new connections. しかし最も重要なのは新しい出会いとつながりです。

Professor Yoon Jeong-Bae is industrializing traditional Korean homes (Hanoak) through 3D computer modeling

Seokgyoon Kim and his wife design and build structures feature natural materials and building methods such as straw bale and earthen plasters.

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