

ストローベイル建築の耐震性 Earthquakes and Straw Bale Building with some radiation

Atmospheric radiation level of 2.33micro-seivert/hour recorded at the adjacent kitchen garden.

October 3rd traveled to Iitate Village to collect hygrothermal data from a straw bale wall built in February, 2010.  Initially, only the base coat was plastered.  The brown and finish coats were schedule to be done this year.  But those plans ended with the March 11th 2011 Tohoku earthquake and subsequent radioactive pollution.  It was recommended that the entire community relocate.
On March 11th, Iitate Village experienced a weak 6 on the Japanese 7-level seismic scale.  Near the straw bale building, the earthen oven I helped build last year was thrown off its concrete stand, the anchor bolts of the roof structure over the oven were bent, and there were cracks in the concrete pavement around the building.  But there wasn't even a crack in the straw bale wall.  Although the success of the straw bale wall can be credited to the building's timber frame, it provides an example illustrating the earthquake resistance of this form of timber frame-straw bale building.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see that everything looks great even after the earthquake. If I was older (and had more freedom) I would def. move up there and enjoy the beautiful land.

    Strawbale never ceases to amaze me!
