

大津磨き講習会 Otsu Polished Earthen-lime Plaster

March 20th, attended an Ostu polished earthen-lime plaster (大津磨き) workshop sponsored by the Heiseikai (平成会) and held at the Sakan Shokuren Kaikan (左官職連会館) in Tokyo. Instruction was given by Mr. Konuma (小沼親方) of Ninja Sakan (忍者左官).
1) Practice panels were hung. These panels had already had the brown coat (中塗) applied.
2) Plaster two coats of the Haitsuchi (灰土).
The Haitsuchi consists of 1 part quicklime putty to 2 parts earthen plaster.
The quicklime putty is aged for more than several weeks.
The earthen plaster consists of 1 part soil sieved through a 100 mesh and 1.5 parts "Hidashi" rice straw fibers about 10mm long. Hidashi designates a type of rice straw fiber about 10mm long, as opposed to "Mijin" fibers which are less than 3mm with the stem nodes shifted out.3) Plaster two coats of the Otsu finish coat.
The Otsu finish coat consists of 3 parts earthen plaster to 1 part quicklime putty.
The earthen plaster consists of 1 part soil sieved through a 100 mesh, 1 part pigment, and 0.01 part paper fibers. Further details on processing the paper fibers can be found at Mr. Tomizawa's blog.

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