

佐野オトリ店 山梨県南巨摩郡南部町  茅葺屋根 Japanese Thatch Roofing

November 25-26 helped Sano-san with the re-thatching of his 300 year old home.
Sano-san and Kyle last spring

Sano-san is the quinsential Hyakusho (百姓). He grows rice and vegetables for his family, and produces tea and raises Ayu fish for income. In his lifetime, this is the third time he’s thatched his home. Last spring I helped Sano-san with the thatching of the hira (平), the plane of the roof. This time work was done on the mune (棟), the ridge.
Ridge uncovered revealing 30-year-old straw

New Ridge Cover

Re-thatching the ridge

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