


November 21 and 23 participated in a "handmade wood burning stove workshop" (手づくり薪ストーブワークショップ) taught by Takahashi-san, a artisan blacksmith/welder who lives in Fujino.

cut, bend, and weld rebar base

cut and fold metal wrap

fill metal wrap with firebrick

steel shield to interrupt flow of gases and reflect heat

assemble parts, drill and rivet.

total cost of materials for a functional stove with cooking surface on top: $160

On the way to the workshop, met Sawanishi-san, alias "Kosho" and other graduates of Permaculture Center Japan.Straw bales removed and replaced with a traditional Japanese bamboo lattice and earthen plaster.

Received a ticket from Itonaga-sensei to attend 未来ビレッジサミット, an ecovillage conference of sorts, on November 22.

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