

Soil Testing and Bennu Gallery

Currently staying with Kate and Stefan in 三河町 (Mikawa-cho) in Hokkaido. Kate is a potter and also teaches pottery. Together they run Bennu Gallery and Cafe, which sells import items in addition to Kate's pottery. Stefan plastered the earthen walls of the cafe and gallery.
Freshly baked scones by Shizuka-san.
Mika-san, who is also staying with Kate and Stefan for a few days, makes clothes and accessories entirely from discarded pieces of fabric, etc. For example, the skirt she's wearing in the photo above uses a large shirt for pant legs. She and four other women are operating an urban ecological and spritual center in Sapporo called Tanepotani, which means in the Ainu language, "Now, Here". She's an amazing woman with great fashion sense. Refuses to purchase a cell phone. Doesn't use email. Very admirable.
Mural painted with latex paint by Stefan.
Yesterday Stefan and I ran tests on a number of different soils trying to determine which would work best for Toby and Maiko's plaster. Photos taken before and after drying

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