

Natural Building for Women

Permaculture Center Kamimomi presents Natural Building for Women with instructors Liz Johndrow and Ariel Burns. Several hands-on workshops focused on skill building for women. Come learn the fundamentals of everything from earthbag foundations to timber frame design and construction, natural wall systems and natural plasters at one of Japan's premier Permaculture education sites. A once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed. No previous experience required!

2020 Dates and Participation Fees:

Earthbag Basics  (May 1-3)  29,000 JPY
Learn the principles of foundations and the basic techniques of earth bag construction.

Timber Framing (May 4-10)    77,000 JPY

This intensive seven day workshop will lead you through square rule timber frame joinery and raise two small structures.

Natural Wall Systems and Passive Solar Design (May 11-15)    59,000 JPY

Learn a variety of infill wall systems including light straw clay and light rice husk lime insulation. The principles of passive solar design will also be discussed while solar gain, high performance insulation and artistic expression are combined into a natural building.

Natural Plasters and Artistry (May 18-20)    39,000 JPY
In this three day workshop we will explore, experiment and discover clay and lime plasters with a touch of artistic flair.

10,000 JPY discount if participating in multiple courses and paid by March 1.
Fee includes professional instruction, delicious meals and comfortable housing in a traditional Japanese folk house. Participation is limited, so register early. Full payment reserves your spot. Airport pick-up from Okayama International Airport available.

Place:  Permaculture Center Kamimomi, Okayama, Japan

Permaculture Center Kamimomi is a model Permaculture education center and demonstration site furthering sustainable practices, knowledge and community. We host workshops in natural building and Permaculture systems, such as a monthly year long course in no-till organic rice cultivation, and regular timber framing, natural building, Japanese plastering, and forest management courses. We frequently have guest instructors from around the world and teach in Japanese and English. Permaculture Center Kamimomi is predominantly on a south-facing slope, with terraced rice paddies, annual and perennial vegetable beds, an orchard, and forest that produce food, fuel and building materials. Several freshwater springs provide water year-round. The site has a main house with class and event space, a communal indoor and outdoor kitchen, and space for visitors to stay. There is a treehouse looking over the orchard with an excellent view of the valley below and the new timber frame building under construction. The Permaculture Center is located in Kamimomi, a scenic and agriculture-rich village in Okayama Prefecture struggling with depopulation. We are 15 minutes by car from the nearest train station and 40 minutes from Okayama International Airport.


Liz Johndrow-
Liz has been a hands-on learner all of her life. In 2004, with an earlier background in carpentry, she began to focus on natural and earthen construction: straw bale houses and timber framing, natural plasters and earthen floors, and cob and adobe construction. She founded her business, Earthen Endeavors Natural Building, in 2009 and launched TERRA Collaborative in 2014, formalizing the work she had been doing in Nicaragua since 2011. Liz works on homeowner building projects large and small, teaches natural material-based building skills in workshops and apprenticeships throughout the US and Central America.

Ariel Burns-
Ariel splits her work life between timber framing & carpentry in Central Maine and joining Liz on natural plaster projects and TERRA teaching opportunities. She loves the intersection of beautifully finished wall systems and handcrafted timber homes and supporting others to gain these skills.

Languages:  English with Japanese interpretation



Supporting Organizations:  TERRA Collaborative, The Pueblo Project, Japan Straw Bale House Research Association











実践者であり続けるリズは、大工としての経験を積んだのち、2004年から自然建築、土建築、ストローベイルハウス、軸組、天然素材の左官、土の床、コブ、日干し煉瓦などに力を入れるようになる。2009年に Earthen Endeavors Natural Buildingとして起業し、2014年に、2011年よりニカラグアで行っていた活動をTERRA Collaborativeとして起業。アメリカおよび中米を中心に、家主と共同で、自然建築のワークショップやトレーニングを行っている。

米国メイン州を拠点に大工仕事の従事しながらリズとの自然建築のプロジェクトで左官やTERRA Collaborativeで講師も務める。手仕事で仕上がった木の軸組と天然素材で美しく仕上がった壁が合わさってできる世界が大好き。講師としては、生徒の技術向上をサポートすることに喜びを覚える。

言語: 英語と日本語スポート



応援団体: TERRA Collaborative, The Pueblo Project, 日本ストローベイルハウス研究会