

An Introduction to Japanese Plastering:

Theory and Practice

▲Friday, May 1, 1-5pm: Workshop 
Polished Clay Balls
Popular among plasterers in Japan, learn the art of polished clay balls using earth and lime plasters.
Cost: $40
Please Register for this workshop here:

▲Friday, May 1, 6-8pm: Lecture and Convergence
“Traditional and Contemporary Natural Building in Japan”
An introduction to traditional Japanese architecture including timber framing, stone foundations, thatch roofing and plastering, followed by a pictographic exploration of contemporary Japanese natural building.
Cost: Donation (and bring you own drinks)
Please RSVP here:

▲Saturday and Sunday, May 2-3, 9am-4pm: Workshop
Japanese Earth and Lime Plastering
An introduction to traditional and contemporary Japanese plastering, including history, fundamentals, plastering procedures, materials and tools. The workshop will involve repeated practice of a typical Japanese earthen plaster brown/middle coat application and finish applications of lime plasters over earth and gypsum.
Cost: $350 (includes two trowels for application and finishing)

 Yamanishi Hanyaki Application Trowel 240mm (9.5 inches) and Stainless Steel Finishing Trowel 180mm (7 inches)
Please Register for this 2 day workshop here:

Instructor:  Kyle Holzhueter, PhD
  Kyle works as a builder, consultant, researcher and educator in Japan specializing in natural building materials such as straw bale and natural plasters. He is also a graduate of the Kyoto Plastering Institute.

Location:  Anna Wolfson Studios
                    1919 N Springfield Ave, Chicago, IL

Clay Ball Event:
2 Day Japanese Plastering Workshop:

Further Inquiries: japanese.plastering* (* = @)