

Shikkui Finish with Gypsum Moulding Boarder

Continuing from Modifying and Securing Gypsum Mouldings, once the GL Bond has set up and the mouldings are secure, the nakanuri, or brown coat of earthen plaster can be applied. 
Tape mouldings
10mm space to apply nakanuri in two coats
First application, roughly 6mm
3-4mm gap
Allow to dry
 Apply second coat and allow to dry
Sunajikkui for a scratch coat over the earthen plaster, consisting of Shikkui, sand and additional seaweed glue.
Apply thin scratch coat
As the Sunajikkui sets up, move material from wet, moist areas to drier areas.  Before the Sunajikkui dries, apply two coats of Shikkui. 
 Shikkui consists of hydrated lime, seaweed glue and hemp fibers
First application of Shikkui
 Again, as the Shikkui sets up, move material from wet, moist areas to drier areas. 
 After setting up but before drying, apply the second coat of Shikkui. 
 Lightly compress while moist
Avoid compression after the second coat has set up
 Repeat process in the larger area
 Again, lightly compress with a honyaki trowel while moist.
And again, avoid compression after setting up