

Korean Earth Bag Building 韓国のアースバック建築

Another natural building technique gaining in popularity in South Korea is earth bag construction. Earth bag building involves stacking and tamping sandbags filled with earth in order to create bearing or infill walls, and is suitable for DIY construction.  For example, Ms. Hwasoon Lee, age 62, built her own earthbag house and is now building a home for her mother.
Seongwon Kim’s Earth Bag Building Association promotes earthbag construction, appropriate technology, and fuel efficient, hand-made wood burning stoves.  In Korea, Seongwon Kim is regarded as the godfather of DIY hand-made wood burning stoves. He’s published an excellent book in Korean describing the fundamentals of wood burning stoves and features practical models appropriate for owner-builders


Bamboo Architecture, Puree Hut, Koh Sichang, Thailand

December 16, visited Puree Hut resort on Koh Sichang island.