Dr. Yang in the Straw Bale Home he renovated
Natural Building in Kanghwa, South Korea 인천광역시 강화군 自然建築
October 27-30 visited Dr. Seong Wook Yang in Kanghwa, South Korea. Dr. Yang directs Eco Healing School, which promotes natural building and alternative medicine.
Chohachi Museum 伊豆半島長八博物館
Oct. 27 visited Chohachi Museum on the Izu Peninsula. Irie Chohachi (1815-1889) was a plasterer and artist who specialized in lime plaster reliefs.
Cosmos Permaculture Garden コスモス・パーマカルチャー・ガーデン
Oct. 16-23 helped Phil Cashman and Yoshiro Benjamin Iida with the construction of Cosmos Permaculture Garden in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture. Construction was concentrated on plastering the earth bag wall and installing the world's first washlet composting toilet. We also made polished clay balls with local soil and bake bread in Phil's oven using wheat we grew in Fujisawa with a sourdough starter dating back to the California gold rush.
京磨き講習会 Polished earthen-lime plaster
Oct. 13-14 participated in a polished earthen-lime plastering course at the Kyoto plastering school.
brown coat -> 2 coats haitsuchi (earth, lime and straw fiber) -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> 2 coats noro (colored clay, lime and paper fibers) -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> re-wet wall with cloth -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> re-wet wall with cloth -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> compress with honyaki -> polish with polishing trowel
Oct. 13-14 participated in a polished earthen-lime plastering course at the Kyoto plastering school.
brown coat -> 2 coats haitsuchi (earth, lime and straw fiber) -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> 2 coats noro (colored clay, lime and paper fibers) -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> re-wet wall with cloth -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> re-wet wall with cloth -> compress with relatively unfired steel -> compress with honyaki -> polish with polishing trowel