

ロケットストーブ Thermal Mass Rocket Stove 長野県軽井沢

Brick rocket stove and heat bench designed by architect Tadashi RYOKAWA at Dacha Cafe in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture.
ヒートベンチ Heat bench to left
炊き口 Fuel inlet on right
オーブン Oven


Cherrry Puree

May 13 visited Takayuki Nagao's exhibit at the "Store", a unique clothing store in Tokyo. I met Taka in Australia while studying permaculture.  The exhibit featured scarfs dyed by Taka using cherries and cherry tree leaves.  The cherries are grown by a friend of Taka in Yamanashi, and the fabric consists of cotton and linen organically grown overseas and woven in Japan.


土蔵修復 Kura Project

May 11-12 continued to help with the restoration of a Japanese timber and earth storehouse.
After completing the bamboo lattice, we began preparing the mud, mixing earth and straw.


和歌山県での自然建築と自然農 Natural Building and Natural Farming in Wakayama Prefecture

May 8-9 visited Akira and Yoko Yamaguchi in Hashimoto City, Wakayama Prefecture. I first met Akira last October during Zenryoji's straw bale workshop. He's currently preparing to build his home using straw bales asked me to help with the project. Before building his dream straw bale home, he's first sharpening his bale skills by building a octagon straw bale structure.  Both Akira and Yoko have great artistic sense.  Akira is a stage lighting professional and Yoko is an artist.

現場へ通っているのが大変だったので、現場で泊まれる畳ハウスを建てました。その場の竹で構造を組み立てて、古畳を断熱材として再利用して、そして、現場 から数キロしか離れてない泥んこ屋さんの土で壁を仕上げました。とても素敵な畳ハウスです。一泊泊まらせていただいて、畳の断熱効果を実感しました。

In order to avoid having to commute to the work site, Akira-san built a small building using bamboo harvested from the site, old tatami mats, and local soils. The structure of the building is assembled with bamboo. Tatami mats are traditionally used as flooring in Japan. The core consists of rice straw and the surface is finished with split rushes (Juncus).

Akira-san also practices natural farming as taught by Kawaguchi-san.


We also prepared Shitake mushroom logs by drilling holes and implanting Shitake spores.


Within a 30 minute walk from Akira and Yoko's land is a fascinating cafe and home. The cafe is built almost like a tree house with a fantastic view. The home is modeled after the prehistoric home common to Japan called Tateanashikijukyo. However, unlike the prehistoric homes, this one has electricity and gas.


日本ロケットストーブ普及協会 Thermal Mass Rocket Stoves

On May 17 met with Ishioka-san of Growing Peace and the Japan Rocket Stove Association.  Ishioka-san works primarily installing photovoltaic and solar hot water panels, but is passionate about rocket stoves and Korea's hypocaust tradition.
ロケットストーブ Thermal Mass Rocket Stove
石岡さんが火を入れています Ishioka-san starts fire
酸素の調整 Moderating air-inlet 
府中の土蔵 Earthen storehouse in Fuchu
福山城 Fukuyama Castle



Kazuko's 91 year-old grandmother's garden


宮島 Miyajima

May 2 visited Miyajima in Hiroshima Prefecture.