

カフェソルテ Cafe Sorte 土蔵修復

April, helped Hideyuki Konno and Sayoko Kondo with the restoration of Cafe Sorte.  Sayoko is a barista trained in Vancouver, Canada and studied coffee harvesting and roasting in Hawaii.  She also happens to be an excellent cook and has a great artistic sense.  Hideyuki is a skilled landscaper leading the restoration, along with treehouse builder Masahiro Watanabe and natural builder Fumihiro Asano.  The building being  known as a Dozoh or Kura in Japanese.  The building being restored is a 100 year-old timber-frame and earth wall storehouse, known as a Dozoh or Kura in Japanese.  Dozoh and Kura where traditionally built to project valuables from fire.

Timber Frame and Earth Storehouse 土蔵

Clay 粘土質土

Tying vertical bamboo 建ての竹を縄で結ぶ

Timber frame and bamboo lattice 木造と小舞



刻んでいる藁を土と混ぜている Mixing cut straw and earth

一階の小舞が完成 Bamboo lattice on the first story is complete

藁を刻んでいる Chopping straw

足で藁と土を混ぜている Mixing by foot

 最後に耕機で混ぜる Using a rototiller to prepare plaster

First the posts and a narrow section between the posts are plastered

Then straw rope is wound around the bamboo reinforcing the mud.

Then the remaining areas are plastered

The second story will be plastered later in May.

Completed exterior scratch coat 下塗完成

Once the wall is dry, the interior will be plastered.



善了寺聞思堂ストローベイル左官工事終了 Zenryoji straw bale construction complete

April 25 finished plastering the straw bale walls of Zenryoji's Monshido.

新田さん Kazunori Nitta-san

滋賀竜王産の土 Clay from Ryuoh, Shiga

模様をつける木鏝 Wooden trowel for a textured finish

引きずり仕上げ Hikizuri Finish

乾いたら When dry

トイレの壁 Bathroom

伏せこんだ長い藁 Straw

和室 Japanese style room

まだ乾き切ってないので、畳は後で入ります。 Once the walls are dry, tatami mats will cover the floor.

大工さん、すごい! Japanese Carpentry

ベイル壁の内装 Interior walls

塗り直したディスプレーに大岩先生、粕川さん、中村さんが辻先生がブタンから持って帰った石を伏せこみました。Stones from Bhutan set in the plaster by Oiwa-sensei, Kasukawa-san and Nakamura-san.

真実の窓 Truth Window

外壁の左官工事 Plastering Exterior

応援 Couldn't have done it without them.

Anoshu is a traditional, almost ancient, art of stacking uncut stones.  Mr. Awata, on the right, is a 15 generation master.

外壁 Exterior


온돌 DIYオンドル作り Korean Hypocaust Underfloor Heating

March 24-27, helped with the construction of an Ondol, Korean hypocaust underfloor heating system and stove.

Saw dust insulating layer under gravel 木屑の断熱層の上に砂利を敷く

Air inlet 室内から空気を引っ張らないように専用の酸素の入り口を設ける

ストーブの基礎 Base of the stove

Firebox and oven 火をおこすところとオーブン

Stove top and outlet レンジと出口

Hypocaust System 床暖房の流れ

Dr. Yang and Mr. Yuik Kim lay the first course ヤング先生とユイクさんが1段目を積んでいます

Dr. Yang and Mr. Koo lay brick ヤング先生とクさんがレンガを積んでいる

Plastering the hypocaust walls with mud レンガに土を塗っています

Covering the hypocaust with stone 床暖房の空洞の上に石を積む

Group photo 集合写真

The following photos were sent to me from Mr. Koo.  下の写真をクさんから頂きました。

Finish the floor 土で床を仕上げる

First fire


온돌, 좋네요