

ストローベイルハウスin軽井沢 Straw Bale Home in Karuizawa

July 1-8, continued work on Tetsu and Yukiko's straw bale home in Karuizawa, Nagano-Prefecture.
Produced several samples for the bathroom finish using combinations of black volcanic soil from the site, clay, hydrate lime, and straw fibers.Mud wasps coming to steel clay from the walls.
Will they carry the house away?
I caught Fujita-san, the next door neighbor, peeing in his garden. He said that at first, he worried that the urine would burn the plants. Quite the contrary. His potato plants are enormous.


  1. Wasn't it supposed to be a secrete that Fujita-san pee in his garden? Now it has become a public knowledge :)

  2. Actually I wanted to take a photo, but he wouldn't let me:)
