

ロケットストーブ Rocket Stove 福島県飯舘村 Iitate Village, Fukushima Prefecture

Rocket stoves are fuel efficient, high temperature cooking and heating stoves. One characteristic of rocket stoves is that oxygen is drawn through the fuel, resulting in higher temperature combustion compared to some conventional cooking and wood burning stoves. Another characteristic of rocket stoves is that they are often hand built as opposed to purchased.
Basic Thermal Mass Rocket Stove Section

The following describes the construction of a thermal mass rocket stove in Iitate Village, Fukushima Prefecture.
100 liter (25 gallon) drum can

Central heat riser: Japanese concrete U-pipe surrounded by vermiculite and perlite (insulation) within 100 liter drum can

Vermiculite and perlite insulation

Placing 200 liter (50 gallon) drum over the heat riser

200 liter drum can

Completed rocket stove with thermal battery


古民家工房 Traditional Japanese Timber Framing

February 16, helped Mr. Takahashi of Kominkakobo (古民家工房) with the assembly of a timber frame home in Chiba Prefecture.