

Coffee, Straw Bale, YouTube

June 20-21 attended a workshop and gathering at the Japan Straw Bale House Association in Tochigi Prefecture. Shigeyuki Ikuta, who runs the office, is also a barista. Ikuta-san making coffee in the straw bale kitchen.

June 26-28 attended the annual festival at Bethel’s House in Urakawa, Hokkaido. Bethel’s House is a community of about 200 people including adults with psychological issues. In April and May I assisted with the renovation of Bethel’s House’s Bura Bura Café using straw bale and earthen plasters. The renovation of the café using natural materials is presented in this 6 minute video clip. Kyle speaks briefly at the end.

The following are photos of the finished Cafe with gallery and storefront.

At the festival, Kyle presented for 10 minutes, providing an introduction to straw bale building. Also had a chance to visit Noda-san's studio. Noda-san is the master plasterer who did the finish work at Bura Bura Cafe. On June 28 there was an opening party of sorts.

July 3-7 was in Tochigi Prefecture working on the construction of a straw bale Kura. A Kura () is a storehouse where grains, food stuffs, and valuables are traditionally preserved in Japan. Traditionally the walls are constructed of bamboo and earth.

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